Fall Inspection
Have you noticed those brisk mornings we’ve been having lately? Sure the heat of the day is still lingering, but those chilly mornings are our first hint that summer is leaving us and the colder, wetter months are almost upon us.
Summer is a busy time of year and not just for your recreational life either. The economy is booming and with it construction and businesses. Anyone in construction can tell you they haven’t been able to come up for air since April. Lots of work has been done on existing buildings and lots of new construction has popped up all over the valley. Sometimes when there is a rush to get things done details get missed. Most of those details get the proper attention in the end, but sometimes they still get overlooked. With wet weather coming soon missed details could be a bad oops for your roof. Whether you have a new roof over a brand new building or had tenant improvements completed over the summer all roofs will be subjected to fall and winter weather: wind, rain, hail, sleet, snow, ice.
Not only does summer coming to an end mean a slowing in recreation, but it also means school is in session and not only is it time to slow down and be aware of our surroundings amid all those school zones, it’s also time to come up for air and take notice of what really happened this summer for work. New construction and tenant improvements completed, check. Final inspections done – albeit maybe a little hurried, time to return to the work and have a closer look. Upson Company can take that closer look for you. Let us help you prepare for the coming storms. Fall inspections are on the books for the next few months and your roof should be one of them. If it’s not or you’re not sure if it is or isn’t then give us a call and get confirmation. We don’t want your roof to be a missed detail.
Fall inspections are you’re assurance your roof is as ready as it can be for the next season. Our technicians will take the time necessary to properly inspect your roof’s field, walls, penetrations, coping cap, flashings, and curbs. Any identified issues will be fixed on the spot as long as it is within your inspection budget. And if we miss something that we shouldn’t have missed in the inspection and you have a leak we come back for free. Plus, your roof gets a thorough cleaning. You will get a report of what was completed, including pictures. If major improvements are identified there is a section in the report for that information as well, along with a cost estimate. If major improvements aren’t in your budget, usually we can produce a temporary fix, but temporary work is not a guarantee and results vary.